My Thoughts

Healing Starts with Your Mind

Suffering from verbal abuse may lead to other abuses, such as drugs and or alcohol. This type of abuse can also cause one to be reserved and reclusive.

People are so afraid to talk to their abuser and say that the verbal negativity is unwarranted and unnecessary. That was certainly the case for me as I resisted confrontation until I realized that I needed to heal my mind. We cannot be our “Best” unless our minds are free from hurt and damage after abuse from loved ones, bosses, or strangers.

I posted an inspirational phrase on @Damagedgoodshealing (Instagram IG) and it is as follows: (Follow me on IG)

Healing Starts with Your Mind

Begin with these (3) Things:

#1. Mental Motivation – Discover ways to stay motivated

#2. Mental Relaxation – Discover ways to relax

#3. Mental Rejuvenation – Discover ways to rejuvenate

My book, “Damaged Goods” resonates with so many people and the contents proves to be useful to all who reads it. If you like to read this blog, please support me as an author and buy a book today.

When you are hurt mentally, what are things that you do to heal your MIND? (Please answer)
